I think my last blog left off in Centreville. Thanks to Dave again for being such a great host. Dave sent us off with pretty much everything you could think of from crackers, beer, macaroons, and a bag of new potatoes. We left Centreville and headed for Fredericton. We had originally mapped out a route that was about 125 km which was longer than the route I had mapped out on the website because that was based on driving. Anyway I'm not sure where it happened but we ended up riding over 145 km so we definitely took the scenic route. Its tough mentally when you think you are supposed to end and then you keep going. Thankfully we arrived in Fredericton safe. Thanks also to friends I attended Tyndale College with, Ash and Andra Rice, for their generous offer to cover the cost of a hotel room for us for the night. We stayed at the comfort inn and it was packed with baseball teams for the Canadian under 16 championships and there was a team from Kitchener there. I wished it was not raining when they were playing or I would have gone to watch a few games. It rained throughout the ride into Fredericton but that was not a huge issue, I'm actually used to riding in the rain and its not that bad. We had a chance to connect with another family in Fredericton who have a son with PKU. The next day was going to be a long ride and we found out that we needed to be in Moncton for 3:00 as there was a little get together planned for that time at the PKU clinic. We planned to leave no later than 7:30 and would need to have a fast day to make it on time. After breakfast we were on the road and it was a really fast first 60 km. We did this in just over 2 hours. After that the rain and hills started and we slowed down a bit but still made it by 2:45. We pushed pretty hard and did not take as many breaks as we likely should have but we made it by 3. We checked into the university where we were staying and headed over the the PKU clinic. It was great to meet all the people at the Moncton clinic. There were 2 young children there with PKU as well as a teenager and an adult. The dietician and nurse from the clinic were also there so it was really nice to talk to them about their work in the clinic. Thanks to Stewart and Marise Landry for helping arrange the get together. After the event at the clinic Marise's parents took Svend and I out to dinner. Thanks to them for that. It was great to go out and have a chance to visit with them for the evening. After dinner we headed back to the university. It was a long day and a long ride and the pressure to be in Moncton by 3 made the day extra tiring. After a good nights sleep we headed over to the Landry's as they had invited us for breakfast. We had decided that today was going to be more relaxed even if that meant biking all day. We usually leave at about 7:30 am however today we left at 9:00 am. We were heading for PEI today and it was a windy day. I was excited to get to PEI as it is one of the provinces I have never visited. Thankfully for part of the day the wind was at our backs. If you know me you may know that I am slightly terrified of heights and bridges. I was a little nervous about crossing the bridge today but it was ended up not being that bad. It was really windy but that was hardly noticeable on the bridge. I'm glad we were not permitted to ride bikes on the bridge and we had to drive over. The first part of the ride today was from Moncton to the bridge and it was about 88 km. The next part was from the bridge to Charlottetown, about 55 km. Coming into Charlottetown it was a very windy and very hilly ride. I was not prepared for the size of the hills in PEI. About 10 km out from Charlottetown a grey SUV stopped in the middle of the highway and a woman jumped out and started taking pictures. I initially thought she was taking a picture of something behind me but then realized she was taking pictures of Svend and I. It turns out it was Colin and Tasha who we are staying with. They stopped at a few more places along the route and cheered us on as we rode in. Thanks for doing that guys it was quite motivating for the last 10 km. We finished off tonight with a huge seafood dinner of mussels, scallops, shrimp and lobster with cows ice cream for dessert. Colin and Tasha have also generously allowed us to use all of their bedrooms while they camp out in the basement with their son Liam. Thanks to Colin and Tasha for everything, you guys have been great hosts. Colin and Tasha and I'm sure others have also been busy planning an event tomorrow hosted at the Culinary institute of Canada where the students will be preparing low protein food options. I'm really looking forward to trying some of their creations. I should also mention that Colin's Physio company has also agreed to match any donations up to 5000.00 so that is really cool. Now I'm looking forward to going to bed. I am sure I have missed something in the blog that I wanted to say but I will update that later as I am falling asleep as I type this.
On Wednesday, August 13, 2014, Stewart & Marise Landry said:
On Tuesday, August 12, 2014, Marie-Eve Cormier (dietician NB PKU clinic) said:
On Monday, August 11, 2014, Norbert and Annette Gaudet said:
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